Author Archives: Ethan

Ethan Hulbert's abstract metal art prints: Perplexia.Art!

I launched my art portfolio gallery: Perplexia Art!

This has been a long time coming. Some of these pieces are over ten years old. But I finally, finally put them all together, with full descriptions, captions, links, citations, poetry, and everything!

I give you: Perplexia.Art!

137 pieces of visual art, spread among three galleries. 137!!!

The three galleries are…


The Perplexia abstract gallery.



The Perplexia Glitch and poetry gallery.


And Test (Experimental):

The Perplexia Test Experimental art gallery.


Plus, each glitch piece has a corresponding poem, totaling 54 works of poetry total.

Even the image in the header on this website comes from my abstract collection – it’s from a piece called Phantom Infrastructure.

I hope you like my art, but either way, I love it all and I’m super proud of it!

Dan Hollick's image on QR code anatomy.

I went down a QR code rabbit hole

It started when I saw this Twitter thread about how QR codes work. (The above image comes from here – made by Dan Hollick.)

But that wasn’t enough. I needed more! Turns out they were invented in the 90s by Denso Wave, which is (or was?) a subsidiary of Toyota. They even have the invention story online.

The American Mathematical Society goes into even more detail.

Finally I found this incredible advanced article on animated QR codes that really blew my mind. Wow.

An animated smiley face QR code that links to the word Awesome.

Just wanted to keep track of these links for later!